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prof. Danuta Mroczek-Szlezer

Mroczek-Szlezer DanutaDanuta Mroczek – Szlezer – the Cracow’s pianist and chamber musician; for over thirty years is working as the university teacher at the Academy of Music in this city. She is a titular professor, at present on the position of the  professor ordinarius of chamber music . She acted for many years as the Head of the Chamber Music Department and at present is the manager of the Interdepartmental Pedagogic Studies. The graduate of the Cracow’s State Higher Schol of Music in the piano class of professor  L. Stefanski improved her  instrumental skills in Weimar (Germany) and Siena (Italy) , working among others with  R.Kehrer, A.Ciccolini and N.Magaloff. She is a winner of national and international piano competitions. She gave many concerts in Poland, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Sweden,, Kuwait, South Korea and on Malta. She has made television, radio and  CD recordings for the national and foreign producers.

She is a regular member of the Society of Polish Musicians, Cracow’s Musical Society, K.Szymanowski Society in Zakopane and a founding member of the F.Liszt Society in Wroclaw.