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Department of Guitar and Harp

Department of Guitar and Harp was spun off in 2012, prior to which Guitar and Harp were a part of the then-existing Department of Harpsichord and Early Instruments. Since the beginning of the academic year 2020/2021, Michał Nagy, PhD (habil.), has been the head of the Department, and until then that office was held by Professor Janusz Sochacki, PhD. The harp class was established in 1966 by Professor Bogumiła Lutak-Modrinić. Irena Czubek-Davidson, PhD (habil.), who is an alumna of the class of Professor Lutak-Modrinić, currently teaches the harp class at the Academy of Music in Kraków. As regards the guitar class, its beginnings date back to 1976, when Jan Oberbek, who had mastered his craft under the guidance of, among others, José Tomás or Andrés Segovia, became the first teacher in that class. In the years 1979-1982, the guitar class was taught by Krzysztof Kossakowski, a student of Narciso Yepes. In 1982, under Kossakowski’s supervision, the course was completed by Krzysztof Sadłowski, MA, and Professor Janusz Sochacki, PhD, who have been members of the teaching staff of the Academy of Music in Kraków since then. The Department’s staff also includes guitarists Miłosz Mączyński, PhD, an alumnus of the class of Michał Nagy, PhD (habil.), and Krzysztof Cyran, PhD, an alumnus of the class of Professor Janusz Sochacki, PhD.
Since its inception, the Department has been very active, hosting numerous concerts, workshops and scientific sessions. Mention should be made, for example, of the International Symposium “Joaquín Rodrigo – Sources, Inspirations, Place in the Guitar Literature” or Hommage à Roland Dyens. Every year in May, the Jan Nepomucen Bobrowicz Days are held – a festival, always with a different theme, devoted to various problems relating to the history of the guitar and its literature. In the past years, guitar students have had the opportunity to work with Andrea de Vitis, Judicaël Perroy, Andrea Dieci, Carlo Marchione and many other masters of the instrument. The Department’s annual concert takes place in November with the participations of all of its teachers. The Department is also home to the Guitarists’ Research Group, which organises numerous events and provides invaluable help during the May festival. Existing since 1976, the guitar class cooperates with other academic centres (Warsaw, Katowice, Wroclaw), organizing annual exchange concerts.
Copies of historical instruments are available to students: a Baroque guitar (Voboam), classical guitar (Staufer), romantic guitar (Lacôte) and tertian guitar (Fabricatore). They provide deeper understanding of the style of compositions created in the 18th and 19th centuries. The guitars have been provided by a friend, Krakow luthier Jarosław Biłan. The Academy is also visited by other luthiers, such as Rafał Gajdzik. In addition to classes devoted to the main instrument and chamber music, students also have the opportunity to improve their improvisation and arranging skills for guitar. In classes conducted by Jakub Niedoborek, PhD (habil.), they can learn the basics of the flamenco technique. The standard curriculum of the harp class is enriched by the participation of visiting professors. Students learn the repertoire for both the pedal and level harp. The graduates of guitar and harp classes find their place in orchestras, chamber music, solo music and teaching fields.