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Department of Brass

Department of Brass was established in the academic year 2012/2013. It was spun off from the then-existing Wind Instruments, Percussion and Accordion Department. The key goal for the new Department was to work towards achieving a high-quality level of scientific and artistic research regarding that separate group of wind instrument specialities. From the very beginning, one of the Department’s main objectives has been to organise international conferences with the participation of the world’s greatest authorities representing all the specialities within the Department. The topics of the conferences have included, among others, a wide spectrum of problems relating to timbre shaping in contemporary works for brass instruments, the latest trends expanding the instrumental performance possibilities in major international compositional centres, current methods of introducing and realizing contemporary means of expression, and many other topics crucial for scientific and artistic research. Owing to such main ideas behind the organisation of the conferences, the Department’s staff have also been able to participate in a number of significant international scientific and artistic projects carried out in Europe and on other continents. What is particularly noteworthy is the fast and successful career path of the Department’s faculty members. The Department is composed of top-class musicians from Europe and around the world, very active professionally as soloist, chamber and orchestral musicians. The students studying under the guidance of the Department’s teachers take top places in numerous prestigious national and international music competitions, and the graduates are members of major national and world orchestras. All of the above factors have contributed to the current level of the Department of Brass of the Academy of Music in Kraków.