Entrance examintations for candidates who declare the choice of the speciality Music Education (Bachelor’s degree):

Stage 1. Core subject examinations

1. a test of vocal aptitude – a practical examination
• two pieces of a varied character (a song, aria, canzona, etc.) performed from memory (a capella or with piano accompaniment)

2. a test of manual aptitude (conducting) – a practical examination
• two short choral pieces of a varied character, including agogic, articulatory and dynamic changes (from memory). The candidate’s presentation will take place with the accompanist performing the choral part on the piano.

Stage 2. Supplementary examinations

1. ear training – an oral practical examination
• An aural analysis of complex chord structures (intervals, triads and tetrads from the curriculum of secondary music schools).
• Harmonic interpretation of a musical fragment performed on the piano, heard by the candidate.
• Analysing simple and compound time signatures and performing a two-part polyrhythm.
• A polyphonic exercise: performing two plans from a given polyphony – one with the voice, the other on the piano.

2. harmony – an oral practical examination (the level of knowledge corresponding to the level of the secondary music school is required)
• A harmonic analysis of the provided soprano (proposed interpretation in functional harmonics)
• Performing harmonization of the provided soprano on the piano (in four-part or other texture).
• Performing the provided modulation on the piano (diatonic, chromatic or enharmonic) – in any manner.
• A harmonic analysis of a musical text fragment (classicism, romanticism).

3. playing an instrument of the candidate’s choice – a practical examination
• three pieces from different periods performed from memory (except for candidates playing the organ)