Rector’s scholarship

The scholarship may be granted:

  • at first-cycle studies,
  • at second-cycle studies,
  • at long-cycle Master’s studies,

however the scholarships for students of the first year of first-cycle studies are granted on a different basis (see Rector’s scholarship for students admitted for the first year of studies)


Legal basis

Ordinance No. 16/2024 of 16 July 2024 on introduction of the Regulations on Benefits for AMKP Students


General information

The Rector’s scholarship may be granted to a student who:

  • submitted within the time limit a relevant application, the template of which is available in the appendix No. 7,
  • passed the examinations by the end of the re-sit examination session, however in justified, individual cases the deadline for passing the particular examinations may be prolonged by the dean,
  • has his or her credits recognized in accordance with the programme approved by the dean – for students realizing an individual programme of study
  • obtained and proved scientific, artistic, or sports achievements – the achievements with no certification/confirmation will not be taken into account,
  • has the weighted average grade of at least 4,5 or obtained at least 19 points (according to the grading scale set in the Regulations of Studies being in force from 1 October 2022) and obtained:
  1. scientific achievements or
  2. artistic achievements or
  3. sports achievements at least at the national level of competition.

The applications are evaluated on the basis of the grade average or achievements obtained in the previous year of studies – for students of the first-cycle studies, or the last two semesters – for students of the second-cycle studies.

In case of studying more than one field of study, a student may receive the sholarship only at one, of their choice.


Rector’s scholarship may not be granted to a student with a professional title of Master, even if the title was obtained abroad. Also a student with a professional title of Bachelor who undertakes the first-cycle studies again is not entitled to this scholarship.


The scholarship may be granted at first-cycle studies, second-cycle studies and long-cycle Master’s studies. Students are entitled to the scholarship for the maximum of 12 semesters, regardless if they collected it or not, provided that within this period the scholarship may be granted:

  • at first-cycle studies – for no longer than 9 semesters;
  • at second-cycle studies – for no longer than 7 semesters.

The abovementioned periods include all the semesters that the student began, including semesters during which leave is taken, and semesters during which the student is awaiting to repeat a semester. The abovementioned periods do not include another first-cycle studies began or continued after the first professional title of Bachelor, Engineer or equivalent was obtained. In the case of learning on several fields of study at once, the semesters taken simultaneously are treated as one semester. The abovementioned limits include the periods of studying abroad and professional titles obtained abroad.

Students who repeat the year of study or resumed their studies after being removed from the list of students due to failure to complete the semester or academic year, are not entitled to receive the rector’s scholarship.


Required documents

Application (APPLICATION TEMPLATE – appendix No. 7) shall include:

  • the list of achievements, which should be filled out electronically and include dates, places, repertoire, confirmations, diplomas, programmes and any other information necessary for the relevant committee to verify the reported achievements and points assigned,
  • the documents shall be sorted in the orded given in the table of achievements; formal irregularities in the submitted application shall result in its rejection,
  • student has the right to report a maximum of 10 most significant scientific and artistic achievements and 1  sports achievement,
  • student counts the points on the basis of the appendix No. 8.


How to calculate the grade average

  • grade average (weighted) shall be calculated according to the formula specified in the study regulations,
  • grades transferred from examinations taken in previous years and other fields of study as well as grades from subjects not included in the AMKP curriculum are not taken into account when establishing the average,
  • for a person who began a second-cycle programme of study after completing a first-cycle programme at another higher education institution, the average of the last year of first-cycle study at the previous institution shall be taken into account,
  • when establishing the average, grades transferred from examinations taken in previous years and at other fields of study as well as grades from subjects not included in the Academy’s curriculum are not taken into account.


Sports achievements

Rector’s scholarship may be granted for sports achievements to a student who:

  1. a) during the previous year of study – for first-cycle studies and second year of second-cycle studies,
    b) during the last two semesters of the first-cycle studies – for the first year of second-cycle studies

obtained sports achievements at least at the national level of competition.

The list of sports achievements to be taken into account in determining eligibility for the rector’s scholarship is available in appendix No. 8.


Rector’s scholarship for students admitted for the first year of study in the year of taking the secondary school final examinations

The rector’s scholarship is awarded to a student admitted to the first year of study in the yearof taking the secondary school final examinations who is:

  • a laureate of international olympiad or a laureate or finalist of a central-level olympiad, as referred to in the act on the education system,
  • a medalist in a competition at least for the title of Polish Champion in a sport mentioned in the act on sports.

To apply for the scholarship, the application and an appendix with confirmation of the achievements must be submitted  (APPLICATION TEMPLATE – appendix No. 6).



Applications with documentation should be submitted until October 20 every year to the Scholarship Committee, via the relevant Faculty Office.

For the 20th October 2024 is Sunday, the applications can be submitted until Monday, October 21st, 2024.


The rector’s scholarship shall be awarded or refused by administrative decision.

Scholarships are paid by transfer to the bank account indicated by the student, monthly, by the 10th of each month, with the exception of the scholarships for October and November 2024, which shall be paid in November, not later than November 30, 2024, provided that the student collected the written decision on the award of the scholarship.


Document templates

The documents shall be submitted IN POLISH.

Appendix No. 4 – Declaration on not receiving benefits on more than one field of study

Appendix No. 6 – Application for rector’s scholarship during the first year of study

Appendix No. 7 – Application for rector’s scholarship

Appendix No. 8 – Criteria for assesment of achievements:

Appendix No. 8A. Copmosition_Theory 2024
Appendix No. 8B. Conducting_2024
Appendix No. 8C. ArtisticEducation_Rhythmics_2024
Appendix No. 8D. Church Music_2024
Appendix No. 8E. Instrumental Studies_2024
Appendix No. 8F. Voice Studies_2024
Appendix No. 8G. Jazz_2024