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AMKP Welcome Centre

Welcome Centre provides support for foreign students in AMKP. It cooperates with faculty offices and the Erasmus+ coordinator, and acts as an information point. Welcome Centre AMKP is going to have its own separate website soon.

You are welcome to visit our office in room number 6 (on the ground floor) or contact us by e-mail:

Note that the opening hours might change in the course of the year. You can find the current opening hours below:

Office hours:
Monday, Wednesday: 8:00 am – 2:30 pm
Thursday: 8:00 am – 3:00 pm

Dominika Stańko
room 6 (by the entrance)
ul. św. Tomasza 43 (Świętego Tomasza street)
tel. + 48 12 426 20 05

Welcome Centre could have been created thanks to the grant from the programme „Welcome to Poland” of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange.