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Qualification process

  1. A person with at least a secondary education may apply for an artistic internship.
  2. Recruitment to the artistic internship shall be by qualification.
  3. Persons who have obtained their matriculation certificate or higher education diploma abroad are required to provide a certified document with a sworn translation into Polish.
  4. The qualification is competitive: it takes place in the form of:
  • an audition and evaluation of a live programme or video provided by the candidate
  • an interview, which takes place either in person or online.
  1. The registration of a candidate for an artistic internship takes place in the AMKP electronic system via the Electronic Candidate Registration Module (ECRM).


Detailed programme requirements for qualifying auditions
for artistic internships at the AMKP


Department of Composition, Interpretation and Music Education. Internship in the areas of:

  • composition

Scores or sketches of three works for various compositions (excluding works of popular music). A description of the candidate’s previous composing experience.

  • conducting

A recording including a presentation of the candidate conducting classical orchestral repertoire (performed by orchestra or on piano).

  • music theory

Presentation of an author’s paper (with multimedia presentation) on music theory in Polish.


Instrumental Faculty. Internship in:

  • instrumental studies

Programme covering repertoire in classical music – 15 min.

  • jazz and improvised music

Programme including repertoire in jazz style – 15 min.


Faculty of Vocal and Drama. Internship in:

  • voice studies

two pieces from classical literature – aria, song from European literature, from the field of classical music, from the field of opera, operetta.


General principles:

  1. If the repertoire is presented in the form of an audiovisual recording, it must not be edited. The programme must be recorded in its entirety (no cuts between tracks). Recordings containing individual songs, containing technical errors that make it impossible to identify the person playing/singing/conducting (from a distance, from behind, etc.) will not be considered.
  2. All candidates are required to attend an interview. In the case of foreign candidates, the interview is conducted in English (minimum A2 level of English required). During the interview, the candidate answers questions asked by members of the committee, in particular verifying the candidates general musical knowledge and concerning his/her presentation (repertoire, contexts). The duration of the interview is approximately 5-10 minutes. The dean may admit a candidate declaring a foreign language other than English to the interview.
  3. It is the responsibility of the candidate taking the online qualification to ensure proper communication. In the event of technical faults preventing the online interview from taking place on the scheduled date, a further final date may be set.

Failure of the candidate to attend the interview or the occurrence of technical problems preventing the interview from taking place on the second date will result in the rejection of the recruitment application.