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Doctoral School

Interdisciplinary doctoral schools are part of the doctoral training programme introduced in 2019 by the reform of science and higher education. They replaced the previous doctoral (third-degree) studies.

The Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Kraków runs a Doctoral School in the field of the arts, discipline of the arts: music, with the following fields of study:

  1. Composition and theory of music
  2. Conducting
  3. Instrumental studies
  4. Jazz
  5. Vocal studies
  6. Artistic education in the field of music
  7. Rhythmics

The goal of the Doctoral School is to prepare a candidate for a doctoral dissertation process, carry it out and award the PhD degree.

The fields of study: instrumental studies, composition, conducting, vocal studies, jazz, artistic education in the field of music, rhythmics – 6 semesters, theory of music – 8 semesters.

Classes are held once a month on Saturdays and Sundays.

The information on the rules of admission to the Doctoral School is available in the “Recruitment” tab.