dr Małgorzata Sternal

Vice Rector for Student Affairs and External Relations
dr Małgorzata Sternal

photo by Piotr Markowski


Małgorzata Sternal, PhD
lecturer and researcher (assistant professor – adiunkt). Graduate of the Jagiellonian University,  (MA in musicology), and ESC – Burgundy School of Business, Dijon, France (Mastère Spécialisé Européen en Management des Entreprises Culturelles). Former Board Member and Vice-president of the European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centres – ENCATC (2001-2007) and a senior advisor in the European Cultural Foundation Grant Programme (2007-2010).
Initiator and project manager of artistic and academic projects, including international conferences, as well as intercultural projects involving participants from Europe and beyond, Dr Sternal focuses her research on the issues of management in culture, professional development of musicians, as well as the role of the arts in the management and leadership education.