Entrance examintations for candidates who declare the choice of the speciality Rhythmics (bachelor’s degree):

Stage 1. Core subject examinations:

1. rhythmics – a practical examination
• a chain of realization of rhythmic themes with 4/4, 6/8 time signature;
• two-part polyrhythm, in which one voice is realized by singing;
• free movement improvisation to improvised music;

2. piano improvisation with voice production – a practical examination
• on-sight improvisation of the accompaniment to a provided children’s song;
• improvisation of a miniature for walking (marching), running, jumping;
• improvisation of two-bar rhythmic patterns;
• improvisation of illustrative miniatures,
• vocal presentation of a song with prepared (by the candidate) piano accompaniment

Stage 2. Supplementary examinations:

1. ear training – an oral practical examination
• An aural analysis of complex chord structures (intervals, triads and tetrads from the curriculum of secondary music schools).
• Harmonic interpretation of a musical fragment performed on the piano, heard by the candidate.
• Analysing simple and compound time signatures and performing a two-part polyrhythm.
• A polyphonic exercise: performing two plans from a given polyphony – one with the voice, the other on the piano.

2. harmony – an oral practical examination (the level of knowledge corresponding to the level of the secondary music school is required)
• A harmonic analysis of the provided soprano (proposed interpretation in functional harmonics)
• Performing harmonization of the provided soprano on the piano (in four-part or other texture).
• Performing the provided modulation on the piano (diatonic, chromatic or enharmonic) – in any manner.
• A harmonic analysis of a musical text fragment (classicism, romanticism).

3. playing the piano – a practical examination
• three pieces from various periods performed from memory