Stage 1. Core subject examinations:

1. An interview
• The candidate should demonstrate the knowledge of music pedagogy

2. Singing with the candidate’s own accompaniment – a practical examination
• vocal presentation of a song with the candidate’s own piano accompaniment

3. Presentation of a script for a music broadcast or lesson and a discussion of that broadcast or lesson

Stage 2. Supplemental examinations (it does not apply to the candidates who have completed a programme of study in the following fields: artistic education in the field of music, rhythmics, composition and theory of music, and conducting within the Polish system of music education)

harmony – an oral practical examination

1. A proposal of the functional interpretation and harmonization of the provided soprano.
2. Performing harmonization of the provided melody line on the piano (in four-part or any other texture)
3. Performing the provided modulation on the piano (diatonic, chromatic or enharmonic – at the candidate’s option).
4. A harmonic analysis of a musical text fragment (classicism, romanticism – piano literature).

ear training – an oral practical examination
An aural analysis of complex chord structures and harmonic patterns; voice performance of atonal melody and rhythmic exercises of considerable complexity.

music literature – a written examination
Identification of an appropriate stylistic period or composer and a brief discussion of problems related to them – based on musical examples.